RP Character on FFXIV's Balmung Server

Character Basics

  • Name: Naja Solan

  • Race: Rava Viera

  • Pronouns: He/him

  • Sexuality: a mess tbh (he's learning)

  • Age: Early 30's

  • Height: Tall lad

  • Build: He clearly lifts but isn't obsessed

  • Hair: Deep blue

  • Eyes: Amber

Art by LesleyLycan

Art by LesleyLycan

  • Residence: The Busy Bee Florist (Lavender Beds)

  • Occupation: Part-time florist, part-time merc

  • Temperament: Neutral to Slightly pissy

  • Likes: Thunderstorms, swimming, spring ephemerals, snakes, seedkin

  • Dislikes: Vanity, being touched, narcs, city politics

Roleplay Hooks

  • Florist: Naja is the owner and sole non-mammet employee of the Busy Bee Florist in the Lavender Beds (Ward 12 plot 46). If your character is searching for floral arrangements, rare plants, or need a bouquet for their beau, Naja's store might have what they're looking for.

  • Botanist: As a registered member of the Botanist's Guild in Gridania, Naja takes the occasional odd job. If your character puts in a request for particular plants, lumber, or other flora of interest, Naja may be the one collecting those items for them.

  • Iron Wolf: As a member of the Iron Wolves mercenary company, Naja takes on a wide array of jobs. If your character needs someone (or a team), to take down a beast, track down a criminal, guard your goods, or do general merc nonsense, Naja may accept that contract.

  • Ul'dah: Naja can be found skulking around Ul'dah watching people do dumb shit, partaking in dumb shit, or starting dumb shit. Let's be honest, Ul'dah is the dumb shit capital of the world.

  • Drug-Dealer: If your character frequents some of the more unsavory parts of Ul'dah, or is somewhat familiar with its black market, they may know Naja as someone who sells home-grown psilocybin and moko grass. He doesn't directly advertise this business, but he's also not overly reserved in mentioning it.

  • Void Pact: Naja has made a pact with a voidsent to gain some aetheric capabilities. Those more sensitive to such aetheric tendencies may notice this, especially if he is using his aether. (Please DM me first before using this as a hook!)


  • Tari Lycoris: Naja's adopted mother, closest confidant, and best friend. He knows he can always go to Tari to get advice, comfort, or a good drink. And though he's terrible at it, he will continue to try to set Tari up with nearly any woman that seems to show some interest in her, or vice versa. Check out Tari's carrd here! (Also she did that killer screenshot above)

  • Rael Solan: Naja's adopted younger brother. Being someone's "brother" is still a concept Naja is learning and exploring, but he does his best to be a good(ish) role model for Rael, and will do whatever he can to keep a smile on Rael's face. Check out Rael's carrd here!

  • Shi'anla Radusk: Naja's fiance and first ever romantic partner. Romance wasn't something he ever envisioned experiencing, but exploring it with Shi has been an eye-opening and incredibly fulfilling experience for him. Check out Shi's carrd here!

  • Armont Couredault: One of Naja's trusted friends, even if most of the time spent together is in comfortable silence. Naja sees a lot of himself in Armont, and wants to help the tin can learn that opening up can be alright sometimes. Check out Armont's carrd here!

  • Olvggath (NPC): A Blackguard voidsent Naja entered a pact with out of desperation due to an injury leaving him cut off from his own aether. Since then, Naja has developed something of a friendship with the voidsent despite Olvggath being, by all accounts, a cocky piece of shit.

  • Rictavio (NPC): A small korpokkur that attached himself to Naja's shoe one day. Naja, having a soft spot for seedkin, made some space in his greenhouse for Rictavio, and the little mossball decided that was his new home. Though Naja pretends to be annoyed by the seedkin's clinginess or adorable antics, it's fairly obvious that he has a soft spot for the creature.

Out of Character

I am a veteran RPer and FFXIV player, and enjoy (nearly) all forms of RP and PvE content. I'm currently in grad school (ask me about amphibians!) and school/family/friends take priority over all game-related things. If you want to get ahold of me, feel free to add me on discord at Lefay#9032.